I’m daemonspring and this is my personal website. I plan to use this site to document projects I’m working on, as well as collect together things I’ve found useful or interesting.
Subscribe to the RSS feed if you want to be notified about new content. I have a few things I’m working on already:
- Miscellaneous topics covering everything from small gripes to life lessons. I aim to keep things ultra-concise
- Mapping and scripting work for Alien Swarm Reactive Drop:
- A scripting library, including all the boring stuff like importing code and logging, as well as more exciting stuff like simulating electrical networks so that destroying a circuit breaker might cut the lights
- A framework for creating script-controlled instances: Essential for making more complex interactive mechanisms
- A library of instances to make map-making quicker: Things like doors, shelving, clutter and anything else I can make reusable
- Better documentation for the game, as well as for my own work. This also includes demonstration maps to show content creators how to use new features
- Some fiction, if I’m not too shy about it
This website was created using Hexo and is hosted for free on GitLab. I made the theme myself. I particularly like Pug for templating and Stylus for stylesheets.